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 It is February 1st. Black History Month. While some may want to erase us, the reality is that the tribe called African American has been in this country for over 400 years, actually, it is 406 years and counting. We are collectively just under 15% of the entire U.S. population but our impact has been global. So much so that the certain facistpsychoinoffice and his apartheidboynazisalutingminion have been trying do do all they can to whitewash our presence. The issue is, they can't. Even if they try to paint over it with NaziGermanyGrey, the reality is that they can't stop the fact that the nation is majority minority, as is the world, and no amount of tikitorchkhakipantpoloshirtwhiteboys can change that. That is their problem. They know they are weaker in mind, body, and spirit. That is why they have a penchant for little girls and forcing women to bear their child, they can't be with an adult woman on equal terms. If you just look at all the J6ers who were pardoned and so...

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