One Week Later

Search for peace, and work to maintain it. Psalms 34:14b

In the aftermath of the mass killings in Kirkwood MO, on the last day of the memorials and the funerals, in the wake of the pain, I pray for peace.

Tonight marks one week when this normally benign community was shaken to the core of its beliefs. Tonight marks one week when the news cameras and helicopters descended on the nine square miles of quiet suburba and exposed it to the nation. Tonight marks one week when one man, simply one man, make a fatal choice that would rock our lives forever. One week, seven days, and a town turned upside down.

Now, let the healing begin. How? Recognize our joint humanity. We really all the same. Let's put aside race, class, location, gender, ethnicity, what side of the tracks, put it aside. Search for peace, and WORK to maintain it.


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