Something About Keziah

My really talkative five-year-old is my constant companion.

We had some errands to run today, a load of catching up to do since it is my day with the car. We drove from bookstore to lunch to Post Office and she just chatted away about everything, anything, and nothing in particular. It was one of those moments when she had the majority of my attention and I could really get into her corny jokes or unending stories. I will miss this when she starts school in the fall.

On one of the trips out, she commented about my "need" for a pink monkey. I think it was her cherub-eyed request for a stop into Build-A-Bear Workshop. I diverted her attention with the always-too-busy-to-stop-playplace beckoning her name with its cushy renderings of little buildings and pieces of vegetables. She gleefully changed course and was out of her coat in a flash. Again, I had to smile at her innocence and playfulness. Friend-making was coming easy for this youngest of my children as she invoked her version of the baby-voice for the toddlers among her, after all, she was big-girl-on-the-mushroom.

The end of our little afternoon outing included negotiations around scrap booking scissors (not) and glue (yes) and a long session over which afternoon snack (Sun Chips and Pink Marshmallows) for her "home school." It was a lovely time with her without me doing laundry or face glued to this computer screen. The air was chilly but the heart was warm. Five-year-olds just have a way of bringing sunshine! Cool.


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