Love and Life

I've been thinking about love and life a lot lately.

Perhaps it was the glow on my sister's face when she talked about her partner, Teresa.

Or it could be the love that radiates from Reine and Cbabi Bayoc in their joint venture - SweetArt.

Maybe it was just viewing the Facebook photos of one of my Mocha Moms and her new baby.

It could just be spring waking up and kissing me with her sunshine.

Regardless, my thought have turned to love and life and the impact this has had on me in my almost forty-five years.

My mind dances and a smile creeps across my face when I think about my sister, almost fifty-six, giddy and joyous and beaming in exuberance.

And I learned that this beautiful gift of breath and life is meant to be shared and embraced and experienced fully.

Love and life. I am completely in it.


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