No More Bologna!

I realized the other day, after 40 days of no meat, that I just don't have time for any more bologna in my life!

There was a moment, somewhere when clarity came back and the chicken was out-of-my-system, that I decided, enough is enough. I just can not keep trying to explain or defend myself to someone who just constantly wants to keep me on edge. It also dawned on me that everyone has that "thorn-in-the-side" person who throws in the kitchen sink and loves to play mind games.

In a few weeks I will be forty-five years old. Too old to play the mind games. Not too old to still color my world and start something memorable.

It all made me realize that even in this recession and people having to redefine themselves that it can make people feel off-center. I just read yesterday that my former employer, Hallmark Cards, Inc. announced it was laying off 550-750 people. News like that keeps coming and behind the headlines are real lives. It is an opportunity.

As I feel the oncoming of spring and my body adjusts to a meat-free, vegetable loving, hemp milk latte existence, I realized, there is no more time for bologna!


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